The discourse of the themes “Payuk Prungpung” (abbreviated into PP) and“Rareangon” (abbreviated into RA) of the dance drama of Arja RRI (RRI stands for theRadio of the Republic of Indonesia) of Denpasar performed at Bali Arts Festival(abbreviated into PKB) was chosen as the object of the study for the following threereasons: (1) it is interesting; (2) nobody has investigated it; and (3) it is unique. In thisstudy the history of the development and existence of the dance drama of Arja RRI aswell as its forms, functions and meanings were analyzed. This study aimed at (1)justifying empirically the dynamism of the dance drama of Arja RRI Depasar; (2)objectively explaining its ontology; (3) formulating the form of the discourse of thethemes of P...